The Public Curatorship of the Medieval Past Special Collection explores how the medieval past is ‘curated’  -- that is, collected, interpreted, and communicated -- across both professional and popular society, and takes a particular interest in the ways in which medievalism impacts these acts.  

Guided by the underlying principle that remembering and communicating the medieval past is a process that is shared by individuals from all sections of society, the desire underpinning this Special Collection is to facilitate much needed lines of communication within and beyond academic circles, to thereby support greater cross-societal debate about how the medieval past can and should be communicated publicly.

In addition, the collection postulates that in a public setting the communication of the past is a highly active and performative process, which functions across media platforms that range beyond text. As such, the Special Collection accommodates a broad scope of research, including non-traditional media such as video and audio.

Featured image: Knights in Combat (British Library, Royal 16 G VI f. 379)

Editors: Lynsey McLaughlin (Guest Editor), John Edgar MacLeod Sandy-Hindmarch (Guest Editor)

The Public Curatorship of the Medieval Past

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Special Collections