‘Production Contexts’ widens the critical lens to see beyond isolated figures and works and analyse the processes and material networks of practitioners, labourers, infrastructures, institutions, and economic contexts that shape cultural production across a range of genres, formats and media.

The articles explore both the archived outputs of creative labour and the relationships between international creative communities and the economic, technological, socio-political, institutional and organisational contexts that shape their cultural productions as events. While focusing on the production, marketing and reception of cultural activity (theatre, opera, dance, contemporary, festivals, street performances, interventions, media-art, digital and hybrid formats), such analyses may even extend to the service, retail, transport, material production, waste disposal and other market activities essential to a given performance, exhibition, or cultural production, but rarely conceived as part of that event itself.

The groundwork for the collection’s focus on the actual cycles of cultural production and its archiving has been laid by the Salzburg research project CORE and its digital archival database: see CORE – THEATRE | OPERA | FESTIVAL dedicated to the dissemination of practitioner knowledges and production materials such as stage and costume designs, choreographic and musical notations, logbooks, etc.

Two further forums of this special collection are in publication with the Open Library of Humanities: Production Archives 01: Puppets for Action, and Production Archives 03: Archival Practices.

Editor-in-chief: Prof. Sabine COELSCH-FOISNER (University of Salzburg).
Editorial board: Prof. Vicky ANGELAKI (Mid-Sweden University), Dr. Paul FAGAN (University of Salzburg), Prof. Roger LUCKHURST (Birkbeck College, University of London).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.16995/olh.collection.454

Editors: Alexander Wilfing (Guest Editor), Meike Wilfing-Albrecht (Guest Editor)

Production Archives 02: Production Contexts

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Special Collections