Dr Simon Everett
Author, Copyeditor, Editor, Journal Manager, Production Manager, Proofing Manager, Proofreader, Section Editor
Open Library of Humanities, Birkbeck, University of London
United Kingdom
Simon holds a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Essex, and is an accomplished poet and poet-translator whose work has appeared in Free Verse journal, Chinese Arts and Letters journal and STAND magazine. His latest pamphlet of poetry, Tamám, was published by Litmus Press in 2020. Simon oversees editorial processes and production at the OLH, and his meticulous eye for detail ensures that our archiving, indexing and policies remain reliable and watertight.
Simon is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the award-shortlisted small creative writing publisher Muscaliet Press, where he designs all the covers and internal pages, and sets the type. He has an ongoing interest in the French parasurrealist poet and pataphysical essayist René Daumal, can speak a small amount of Chinese Mandarin, and has translated classical Chinese poetry into English.
When he isn’t working his editorial magic at the OLH, Simon enjoys cooking, reading poetry, Kinder Buenos and gaming. He is also a self-confessed typography nerd with a secret passion for graphic design. (And, in case you were wondering: his favourite font is Bembo. You’re welcome!)